Old School Day. Oh, I'm Clever.
I originally performed this poem at a SNU poetry contest. I week or so before the reading I had invited my dad: an hour or so before the reading I didn't have a poem. I came up with this poem. It went on to win me second place. Which I feel was a rip off , because I lost to an English major. The English Dept. just happened to be hosting, and judging the contest. I'll let you ponder that... while I relate a similar story.
AirJordan vs. Showtime in the dunk contest of the century. Jordan needed a 50 (perfect score) to win. He stepped a foot over the free throw line, and they still gave him a 50. It just happened to be in Chicago.
I mostly am posting this for my MySpace peeps, and for those of you that want to see pics of Andrick. Ginger updates more than me.
And without further ado...
Club Scene
The DJ begins the serenade
Two turntables
Loped with a B Boy sample
Scratches break with flavor
Lacin' the tracks
With hip-hop beats to baffle
She wears a white dress
Secured tighter
Than a virgin in innocence
Appears and disappears
In strobe lights
A seductive presence
He wore his ghetto best
Hat to the side
He plans to play it cool
Takes root against the wall
Maybe bobs his head
Games learned from Old School
"She wears a white dress
Secured tighter
Than a virgin in innocence"
Ok that was good! Not that i'm picking it apart or anything....cause i'm not. Really, you know...not am i?
I like this poem a lot. It reminds me of when we used to go clubbing when we were dating. I kinda miss it.
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